Call for Papers
Abstracts are invited for the 23rd annual conference of the
International Association of Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA)
in Zurich/Switzerland in 2014. We welcome abstracts on topics such as:
Speaker identification/comparison
Speaker profiling
Disputed utterances
Voice line-ups
Speech and audio enhancement
Authentication of recordings
Forensic acoustics
Automatic speaker identification/verification
Retrieval of speaker population data
Interesting case reports
LADO (Language analysis for the determination of origin)
This is not a complete list and other topics would be welcome if they promote the aims of IAFPA (c.f.
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 15. April 2014 (UPDATE: The submission deadline has been extended to 30. April 2014)
Notification of acceptance: 15. June 2014
Conference date: 1.-3. September 2014 (with warm-up on 31. Aug)
Abstract Format:
Download the template with formatting instructions here.
Abstracts must not be longer than 1 page (excluding references).
Abstracts must be in English.
Abstract submission:
Save your file in word or Rich Text Format (doc, docx or rtf).
Use the surname of the first (or sole) author in upper case characters
followed by his/her first name in lower case letters as a file name; no
spaces; no special characters, e.g. 'EINSTEINalbert.doc'.
If the same author (first author) submits more than one manuscript use
a number after the name, e.g. 'EINSTEINalbert1.doc',
Send your abstract(s) to by 15 April 2014.
Use only the words 'IAFPA abstract submission' as a subject.
Contrary to some previous conferences, abstracts do not need to be anonymous.
Please indicate on your abstract whether you prefer to do a poster presentation or a talk (see template).
Best Student Paper award:
There will be a best student paper award. Please indicate on your
abstract whether your paper is eligible for the student paper award
(see template). The criteria for participation are:
The first author is a student, i.e. registered as a (master/PhD) student.
The first author presents his/her presentation or poster in person at the conference.
The work presented has been done by the student.
Note: being a student member of IAFPA is not a requirement.
The winner of this Prize wins free registration for next year's IAFPA conference.